Our Offerings


Therapy Dog Visits

Our trained therapy dogs and their handlers offer visits to individuals and businesses, providing an opportunity to engage with these furry friends. The presence of therapy dogs is proven to enhance mood, reduce stress levels, and promote overall well-being. Experience the transformative power of the human-animal bond with Healing Hounds.


Animal-Assisted Activities

We organize interactive sessions where individuals can engage with therapy dogs in various activities. These activities are designed to promote relaxation, improve social interaction, and enhance mental well-being. Our therapy dogs are trained to provide comfort, support, and companionship, allowing you to experience the incredible healing potential of the human-animal bond.


Educational Workshops

Our educational workshops are designed to provide insights into the benefits of the human-animal connection. Led by experienced professionals, these workshops cover topics such as the impact of animals on mental health, the science behind the human-animal bond, and practical strategies for incorporating animals into therapeutic practices. Expand your knowledge and discover the potential of animal-assisted interventions.


Customized Programs

We offer customized programs tailored to the unique needs of individuals, organizations, or events. Whether it’s a one-time visit, recurring therapy sessions, or specialized programs, our team works closely with you to create an experience that fosters mental health and well-being through the power of the human-animal bond.

Start Your Journey to Healing Today

Contact us now to book a therapy dog visit and embark on the path to improved mental well-being.

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